Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Buy a Child Policy for Your Teens

Here's a good idea . . .

* Before your child turns 16 y/o
* Buy a $20,000 life insurance policy
* Get a 10 or 20 year paid up or whole life
* A Double Protector is good - is paid up at 65 y/o

Why do this? Simple. It locks in a low rate and makes a nice gift to your children by their 25th. birthday.

It will not build a lot of cash value, but it does lock in a very low premium. That's your goal. Lock in a very low premium. This is truly a gift that will save them many dollars in the long run. It also gives you peace of mind.

This will serve as their cornerstone policy in adulthood. When they have their own children, they should be covered by Universal Life or Term Life or a combination with their cornerstone coverage.

If you want to know more about financial planning with insurance and high yield programs, please become a member of the Prosperity Connection.

Ken Aspinwall
Tel. 706-884-8946
Call 1-9 PM EST

1 comment:

  1. Now we have a variety and choices of insurance types to buy and that is why people make some choice in low cost term life insurance to easily avail the advantages at low price.
